Coming Events

Sunday, November 8, after church, Fall Missions Potluck
Sunday, November 29, 8:45 AM, Join us before church to decorate for the first Sunday of Advent

Sunday, December 6, 5 pm Christmas party at Walt and Marions'

Thursday, December 24, 7 pm Christmas Eve service

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


There are two items we would like to share with you in our final "epistle" as your Interim Ministry Team:  Invitation and Appreciation.

Invitation:  We invite you to attend some of the special Lenten season services:
Wed., March 13, 7 PM an East Area Assoc. mid-week lenten service at Lamoine Baptist Church.  Guest speaker Rev. Matt Burden, Pastor of 2nd Baptist Church in Calais.

During Lent, we have been looking at our Lord's autobiographical assertions contained in "I AM" statements.

We hope you will join us.

Palm Sunday, March 24, 10:30 AM worship "I am the King of the Jews"
Maundy Thursday, March 28, 7 PM service of Communion and Tenabrae

Easter Sunday, March 31
6 AM Sunrise Service at Lamoine Beach
7 AM Easter Breakfast at the Church
10:30 AM Morning worship
"I am the Resurrection and the Life"

Appreciation:  We are deeply grateful to the Lamoine Baptist Church family for the privilege of being part of this church's ministry for what will be eighteen months.
Thanks a million for all  your prayers, suupport, encouragement and faithfulness.
May God continue to bless this church family and ministry and your new pastor and his wife as they join you in May.

Cordiallly in Him,
Foster and Mary Jane Williams

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