Coming Events

Sunday, November 8, after church, Fall Missions Potluck
Sunday, November 29, 8:45 AM, Join us before church to decorate for the first Sunday of Advent

Sunday, December 6, 5 pm Christmas party at Walt and Marions'

Thursday, December 24, 7 pm Christmas Eve service

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pastoral Thoughts

A few weeks ago our sister church, United Baptist in Ellsworth, hosted a one day conference.  Speakers addressed a number of topics.  Among the topics were: “9 Marks of a Healthy Church,” “Church Life Cycle,” and “10 Common traits of the Dead and Dying Church.”
While terms like “healthy church” and “dying church” are quite off the mark – true, these terms are catchy, but they are also far from the images Scripture uses to speak of God’s gathered people – many good points were made during the conference.  One speaker, a seasoned pastor in the area, said  ”Typically, the last expenditures to go from church budgets are the ones that make the members feel comfortable.”
As a church, as God’s gathered people here in Lamoine, we must not be found in such a backwards error.  In the two years I’ve been pastoring at LBS, I’ve seen an awareness of this error.  More importantly, I’ve noticed many have the sense that gathering together in Jesus name is fundamentally different than all other organized gatherings.  Nevertheless, such awareness and devotional understanding need to develop and grow at LBC.  This, too, I have noticed.
The Gospel calls to our (plural) imagination (singular).  May 24 was Pentecost.  Pentecost comes after Easter and is the day that God gave his Spirit to his followers, creating the church, a holy people who walk in the way of righteousness.

Yours, Pastor Brooks

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Spring Planning Meeting

Spring Clean up May 2nd  8 am - noon

Mother's Day May 10

Yard sale at barn May 23  8 am - noon

Church picnic and recipe advice June 7

Change in service time June 14

Graduation day June 14

Father's Day June 21

Camp Cuff cookout - TBA
Lank's cookout - TBA
Harris' cookout June 20 @ 5 pm

Summer Fair July 25   @ 9 am - 1 pm

Carriere's cookout August 14 @ 5 pm

Potluck concert  August 16

Time change for fall service  Sept. 13

Monday, March 30, 2015

Pastoral Thoughts

Recently, I was asked to give a reading from the Koran at an upcoming public prayer breakfast.  The breakfast will have, of course, times of prayer.  It will also have scripture readings from Jewish scripture (the Tanak), Islamic scripture (the Koran), and Christian scripture (the New Testament).

If the U.S. was once a Christian nation, it has changed.  This prayer breakfast displays that reality.  Religious pluralism is here.  We now have:  bumper stickers using the symbols of the major world religions to spell "co-exist";  news anchors hosting pictures of people laughing, stating, "An hour of Laughter Yoga ... was just the thing for body and soul";  a Christian pastor being asked to read from the Koran at a public prayer event.

This is a confused and challenging time.  But it is also a time for Christian hope and witness.  I will not be reading from the Koran at the prayer breakfast.  Yes, I plan on attending it.  And, in this case, I think to do so is the right path.

The culture wars are concerned with demarcating the battle lines.  The care and energy of the Christian is not to be on marking lines, but mercy and peace (Matt 5:7, 9).  And yet, that is mercy and peace rightly understood.  The resurrection of Jesus Christ draws us toward something other than (supposed) polite and civil co-existence (Mattt 5:13; see 5:1-12).

Pastor Brooks

Sunday, February 1, 2015

"do you remember..."

Memory is important.  Gathering together and remembering together are vital ingredients in loving relationships  From family reunions to funeral receptions we often hear those words spoken:  "Do you remember..."

The other day I read an article about the recently built 9/11 museum at Ground Zero.  Central to the purpose of this museum is remembrance.  But, in recounting her journey through the museum, the author laments the complete lack of an underlying hope or even message.  Simple documentation displayed with grandiose style takes the place of a message and hope.. The author wonders if we have lost our ability to remember.

The Advent season is about remembrance.  Christians, during this season, are not just recounting once again that old story from the past  We are not just reading an ancient document because of a yearly tradition.  Rather, as we read prophetic Advent passages, we hear the deep hope of God's people as they await his coming - a hope which profoundly resounds in us.  We sing songs of such significance and beauty that they fit no other season.  We decorate the church, not with grandiosity of glamour - for Jesus was born in a manger - but for that special time, Christmas Eve, when we gather together to remember in joyful song, in prayer and in hearing again - and anew - the very Word of God, words of hope.

"I will remember the deeds of the LORD;  yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago"  (Psalm 77:11)