Coming Events

Sunday, November 8, after church, Fall Missions Potluck
Sunday, November 29, 8:45 AM, Join us before church to decorate for the first Sunday of Advent

Sunday, December 6, 5 pm Christmas party at Walt and Marions'

Thursday, December 24, 7 pm Christmas Eve service

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 2010

Lent is a time for us to examine our character before God, allowing Him to examine our innermost being. It is also a time to confess sin and to repent and allow us to be cleansed and made new. It is a time of preparation for re-creation of our hearts and souls before our Lord. It is a good time to recommit our hearts to God so we can seriously walk with Him. Pat and I are truly looking forward to our time of searching together with you and finally being able to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Our faith walk together with you all promises to be deep and meaningful. Check the schedule and plan to worship with us.

Interim Pastor Jim Robertson