Coming Events

Sunday, November 8, after church, Fall Missions Potluck
Sunday, November 29, 8:45 AM, Join us before church to decorate for the first Sunday of Advent

Sunday, December 6, 5 pm Christmas party at Walt and Marions'

Thursday, December 24, 7 pm Christmas Eve service

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


New Furnace is Installed

We did it, and easily! At the Annual Meeting of the Church Jan. 21st, it was voted to replace the aging and often broken furnace in the Chapel. Here it is the first of March, we haven’t even advertised a need to raise money, but the new furnace is in and we have the money to pay for it.
Ron McGlinchey, part of our church family, provided the unit and installation work and gave us a generous discount. (Final Bill is $3, 942.) Another friend and summer visitor went South in the fall and left a very generous gift toward the purchase. Since January, we have received several additional gifts and the Women’s Ministries will finish paying off the balance (less than $700.00). Thank you all!
The Lamoine Church is very generous and it would seem that we more than rise to meet the financial challenges that occur. So let us lay out one more challenge: the General Fund.
As you know we ask for “pledges” to help plan for the needs of the church each year. The pledge and envelope system is helpful to the finance Committee and an important reminder to you that expenses go on even when you miss a Sunday service or two.
In addition to “regular” giving (envelopes and “loose offering”), we would like to offer opportunities for you to give an extra gift to help with something specific at the Church. You get to choose where to give your extra gift. Some Examples:

Monthly telephone bill- approx $47.00
Cleaning the Church for one week- $40.00
Shoveling the doorway after a snowstorm- $12.00 per storm
A book of stamps for grapevines or prayer chain letters- $8.20
Cold spring water Co. annual bill: $225.00
Insurance on our properties- $5.75/day
Copyright License for Church music- annual expenses $101.00
Gift toward Sunday School materials- any amount

You may select where your extra gift will go. Simply add that amount to your offering envelope and make a note on the “special” line. Or, you may include cash or check in a plain envelope and identify where it is to be spent. You may include your name(s) or be anonymous. Feel free to ask Carolyn Ackerman if you would like to know specific costs of other items, or speak to Carolyn, Jane Harris, or Mike Jordan if you have any questions or ideas.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration.


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