Coming Events

Sunday, November 8, after church, Fall Missions Potluck
Sunday, November 29, 8:45 AM, Join us before church to decorate for the first Sunday of Advent

Sunday, December 6, 5 pm Christmas party at Walt and Marions'

Thursday, December 24, 7 pm Christmas Eve service

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Friday, February 4, at 6 PM there will be a Mission Speaker.  Amanda Munro will talk about her trip to Haiti this past fall. yo visit an orphanage.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Pastor Jim will be away until March.  January 16 Al Fletcher was the guest minister.  Jaanuary 23 Darlene Springer will be the guest speaker.

Monday, January 24 at 7 PM the annual meeting will be held at the church.   Food will be provided.